Gay sex scene

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Well, first of all, Mike started writing the show in August, and we started shooting in October, which is crazy because those scripts when we got them were so polished and just complicated and amazing. The show was filmed during the pandemic in a bubble. And I had read the first script before I got there, or I think I read the other scripts on the way, so I was just so thrilled to work with him, and the first script was so amazing so I was just so excited to dive in. So I auditioned once, then I had a phone call with Mike, and then I was in Hawaii. I, like you, am a huge Mike White fan, so when the audition came up, I was like, “Oh my God.” And it was the middle of the pandemic. How did you become involved with the project? So I was super excited for The White Lotus, and then even more excited when I saw the cast, which included you. Enlightened is one of my favorite shows of all time.

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So I feel like I’ve had such a charmed year. I had a surprising pandemic because I got to shoot this show in Hawaii, which I would never have imagined. Mario Perez/HBO Hi Murray! The last time I talked to you was for Tales of the City.

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